Odious Ari's Hour of Misery and Light Entertainments
is an old time radio Vaudeville comedy and music show broadcast from the Econo Storage Studios and hosted by me!
I have the most talented performers and surprise guests on each week including The Grim Reaper, Noodles the Yodeling Toddler, and The Cockroach Quartet. Listen to classic Vaudeville acts like juggling, magic, and mind-reading!
I've got original, hand-crafted music for you. Hear my greatest hits like "We've Gotta Get Married Before We Can Get Divorced" and "Zeppelin of Friendship." All performed while alive on accordion, banjolele, washboard, kazoo, and synthetic tuba.
Folks, I perform in the best halls all over the world! When I'm not performing at Planet Queer at Akbar, you can often see me doing my stuff at the Fluff and Fold Laundromat on Beverly Blvd.
You can email me here: ari@odiousari.com
Or I'm on these things if you that's more your cup of tea:
Folks, I’m the Amazingly Odious Ari, famous Vaudeville star whose brilliantly successful career as magician, musician, Vaudevillian, and life coach has spanned three miserable centuries! Currently I’m performing on a stage or at a carpark near you — even as you’re reading this — and you’re missing it! Check my calendar so you can come see me and have your life changed forever. Bring cash.
Odious Ari has performed at high-class places and clubs like these!